What is a Monopoly game - All you need to know!

One of the most entertaining board games is Monopoly, which is usually enjoyed by 2-8 people as its participants. 

In this game, players walk through the board, which may consist of spaces, where they acquire and sell lands and buildings to obtain financial freedom. If everyone else runs out of money at the end of the game, then you will win.

Some books can help you to figure out tricks for succeeding. It is the oldest book titled 1000 Ways to Win Monopoly Game (written by Jeferey S.Lehman-the the resident of Clever University and Jay-the folder of priceline.com.

Monopoly game

Concept of Monopoly game

One of the most entertaining board games is Monopoly, which is usually enjoyed by 2-8 people as its participants. 

In this game, players walk through the board, which may consist of spaces, where they acquire and sell lands and buildings to obtain financial freedom. If everyone else runs out of money at the end of the game, then you will win.

Some books can help you to figure out tricks for succeeding. It is the oldest book titled 1000 Ways to Win Monopoly Game (written by Jeferey S.Lehman-the the resident of Clever University and Jay-the folder of priceline.com.

important points about monopoly game

In total there are 40 spots on the board of Monopoly. Here we have four squares : GO, FREE PARKING, Jail, and Go to JAIL. 

The board is on the wall and next to it are the properties for sale. They are streets and businesses. 

The properties are: There are 22 streets (each of which appears in one of the 8 colors), 4 railway stations, the Electrical Company, and the Water Works Company. 

And the other spaces include Remuneration, Taxation, Communal Chest, and Stumble.

Inspired by the streets in Atlantic City in New Jersey, USA, the properties and train stations in the original version got local names. In the British original version, London streets’ names are given to them.

How to set up the game?

To prepare for the game, the board is put in position. The Chance and Community Chest cards are shuffled and placed face-down on the board. 

Each player chooses a token (a playing piece), such as a thimble, a rocking horse, a boot, a dog, etc. (the tokens vary depending on the edition), and places it on GO. 

One player is chosen to be the banker - this player is trusted with handing out money from the bank and collecting players' spent money during the game.

The banker gives each player $1500 to start with. Each player rolls the dice, and the player who rolls the highest total takes the first turn.

read more: Monopoly plus ps5 review - things you need to know about the game!

What are the uses of Monopoly?

Monopoly could be the ideal taught to the children with a variety of lessons in playing full of fun. It teaches one how to make good deals, play fair (because cheating never wins).

value money, understand addition and subtraction, possess a good spirit of Sportsmanship, the thrill of Competition, come up with various strategies and be organized.

At an elementary level, “it offers a marvelous vehicle for teaching mathematics”.[2] Through the game, children explore different mathematics areas: It consists of categorizing numbers, arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, and probability, percentages, and patterns. 

Progressing to a higher level, teachers use the Monopoly board to provide their students with understanding of microeconomics principles.[4] 

This year a commemorative Monopoly Go game was released by Scopely in association with the boardgame’s 88th anniversary that was celebrated on May 11, 2023.

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